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The Dakotaland Museum


1983.000.335 110

1958.000.250 159

Bringing Beadle County's past into the future! Check out The Dakotaland Museum!
Faces Of The Dakotaland Museum

Jack Hyde, Beadle County resident, shows the bullet that nearly killed him in Japan during WWII. Original photo by Greg Latza, "Blue Stars".
Jack Hyde, Beadle County resident, shows the bullet that nearly killed him in Japan during WWII. Original photo by Greg Latza, "Blue Stars".

Cornelia Garrett was the first black woman to cross the James River on the first train that allowed women and children.

Vernon C. Miller, an infamous resident of Huron, served as Sheriff of Beadle County. He also is credited with planning the Kansas City Massacre. Original photo mug shot from FBI.
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